
English as a Universal Language

Obviously, there are many other important world languages, among them Spanish and Chinese. But it is probably true that the most important second language is English. As such it is worth spending some time looking at literacy in English as a second language. Unfortunately, English is not a phonetic language, unlike for example Spanish, which would be much much easier to learn!

We believe that English learners should work through at least one phonics-based curriculum. This consists of phonics readers and a phonics spelling program. The whole-word approach practiced in elementary schools and further pursued in higher grades in Germany is not optimal and can easily be supplemented with the materials we present here.

Für Deutsch-Sprachige Kinder ist es extrem wichtig ein Phonics Program durchzuarbeiten, damit sie die Idee der Englischen Schriftsprache besser verstehen lernen. Die meisten Schulbücher arbeiten relativ wenig mit Phonics.
Daher ist die Selektion die wir hier im Shop präsentieren optimal für Kinder die English lernen wollen und damit Spass haben möchten.

View also the Notable Children's Booklists that are published yearly to get an idea of what the children should be reading.


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